Spray Foam for DIY Crabitat?

Great Stuff Pond & Stone Foam is safe for hermit crabs once it’s fully cured and sealed. This foam is designed for use in ponds and water features, so it’s formulated to be non-toxic and inert after curing, meaning it won’t release harmful chemicals or fumes. However, it’s critical to understand that hermit crabs should never be exposed directly to spray foam, even after it’s cured. Hermit crabs are like babies—they explore their environment by tasting everything, and they’ll nibble on materials that aren’t safe for them to ingest.


While the foam itself is non-toxic once cured, it’s not designed to withstand chewing or scratching. To make it hermit crab-safe, you need to seal it with a protective coating like Drylok or aquarium-grade silicone. These sealants create a durable barrier that prevents your crabs from chewing on the foam and accidentally ingesting pieces. They also allow you to add texture, sand, or other natural-looking finishes, making the structure safer and more visually appealing.


When used correctly, pond foam can be a fantastic material for building ramps, pools, and other custom features in your crabitat. Just remember to always cure and seal it thoroughly before introducing it to your crabs. With these precautions, you can ensure it’s safe and long-lasting while keeping your hermit crabs happy and healthy.